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Llama as a Service

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Random Llama Image API. The world's first Llama as a Service (LaaS) - by @spencerlepine

This is a simple Node/Express REST API deployed to Heroku with GitHub Actions. It connects to the MongoDB NoSQL database, which stores image URL strings.

Check out the Image API source code on GitHub.

Originally, the goal of this project was to create a dockerized microservice architecture, with a gateway API and JWT authentintication. As you may suspect, this is an overly-complex solution for a simple REST API. I ran into a lot of issues working with Kubernetes, and have since left the project as is.

To keep development of each service organized, I used the polyrepo approach with everything organized under the GitHub Organization.

✅ Try It Out:

JSON Response
  "message": ""

🎥 Walkthrough Video

YouTube Video

💡 Blog Post

Read about the development process and what I learned on my blog post

🛠️ Built with:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Docker
  • Heroku
  • GitHub Actions
  • MongoDB

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