Spencer Lepine
Software Engineer
Seattle, WA
About Me
I'm a Software Engineer based in Seattle, currently serving part-time in the Army Reserve. With a primary focus on full-stack development, I'm also passionate about DevOps, open-source, and everything cloud. When I'm not coding, you can find me traveling, hiking scenic trails, or enjoying a classic 90s film.


Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Frontend Engineer
Nov 2022 - Present
{ status: "in-progress" }

U.S. Army Reserve
IT Specialist
Nov 2021 - Present
Providing IT support and troubleshooting for division-level command in a fast-paced environment, with a focus on end-user support, junior staff training, technical documentation, IT accounts administration, and team collaboration.

Hack Reactor
Student | Software Engineering Immersive
Jul 2021 - Oct 2021
Completed over 900+ hours of coding to master Javascript, Node.js, React, Express, and SQL and NoSQL databases in AGILE environment. This program is one of the top coding bootcamps and features a rigorous admissions process and demanding schedule.

Full-stack E-commerce store for developer laptop stickers.

Printify Node.js SDK
Open-source TypeScript SDK for the Printify REST API (npm package)

Cloud-based grocery shopping list app with product search, barcode scanning, and nutrition tracking.

Atelier API
E-commerce REST API scaled for production traffic with K6 load testing and optimized PostgreSQL database.