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This was a group project with a group of 8 engineers, each working on modules across the client, server, and database. Given a client prompt, the team chose a technology stack and had seven days to build the minimum viable product.


Through the service, local farms can list their products for sale and consumers can easily navigate and purchase their products. HelloHealth offers a subscription based plan and the sale of individual products. The service was made to provide farms an outlet to directly be the vendors of their products. Consumers are more connected to the food they eat and in return are more connected to the farms that provide for them.

Project Takeaways:

  • Collaborated with 8 engineers to build a minimum viable product in one week meeting client expectations.
  • Integrated Firebase Authentication connected to Context hooks managing conditional page renders
  • Set up continuous integration using pre-commit hooks, enforcing code styles, running GitHub Actions, and automated deployment to Netlify
  • Designed detailed wireframes as the UI owner to match business requirements and user stories
  • Practiced test-driven development with React Testing Library and supertest for unit testing
  • Developed backend API endpoints linking to the PostgreSQL with the Sequelize ORM.

Engineering Journal:

I maintained a brief engineering journal for this projects, find it here on Google Docs.

Business Requirements:

The team worked together to identify all users stories in the client proposal document. We had several meetings with a mock client to discuss progress and feature requirements.

Database Schema:

For this project, there was collaboration for the database schema which the API would reflect, see the SQL layout on GitHub.


As the UI Owner, I designed the wireframes of the layout of the site for the team to follow.

API Documentation:

The team built an API for the client/server interaction between the database, see the schema on GitHub.

📦 Technologies:


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